Vienna Museum of Science and Technology

Historical objects enter into dialogue with innovative technologies in our multi-faceted exhibitions. With interactive experiences and exciting tours and programmes our objects come to live while our puzzle hunt encourages an active and engaging museum visit. 




at TMW

Sat 22.02.10:3011:00
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.11:0011:30
Guide / Action
3 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.11:3012:00
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.12:0012:30
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.13:0013:30
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.13:3014:00
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.14:0014:30
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.15:0015:30
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.15:3016:00
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.16:3017:00
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.17:0017:30
Guide / Action
4 tickets available
€ 3,90
Sat 22.02.11:3012:10
Reservation Children Area
1 ticket available
€ 2,50
Sat 22.02.12:3013:10
Reservation Children Area
3 tickets available
€ 2,50
Sat 22.02.14:0014:40
Reservation Children Area
17 tickets available
€ 2,50
Sat 22.02.15:0015:40
Reservation Children Area
2 tickets available
€ 2,50
Sat 22.02.17:0017:40
Reservation Children Area
34 tickets available
€ 2,50
Reservation Children Area
€ 2,50
Sat 22.02.12:0012:40
Reservation Children Area
20 tickets available
€ 2,50
Sat 22.02.13:0013:40
Reservation Children Area
19 tickets available
€ 2,50
Sat 22.02.14:0014:40
Reservation Children Area
30 tickets available
€ 2,50
Sat 22.02.15:0015:40
Reservation Children Area
1 ticket available
€ 2,50
Sat 22.02.16:0016:40
Reservation Children Area
4 tickets available
€ 2,50
Sat 22.02.17:0017:40
Reservation Children Area
32 tickets available
€ 2,50



Digibot – tracking digital education

Digibot – tracking digital education

Most of us are familiar with robots that assist us humans – but how do they actually work?
Sun 23.02.14:0016:00
Radio – cinema of the mind
Guided Tour

Radio – cinema of the mind

For over 100 years, radio as a broadcasting medium has been an integral part of social communication. What began as an experiment by radio hobbyists has developed into an electronic mass medium with a diverse, worldwide radio landscape. It’s the history of a medium in the interplay between technical developments and societal framework conditions.
Sun 23.02.14:0014:45
Music in the air
Guided Tour

Music in the air

How is sound generated and how does it reach the ear? What is sound? And how can instruments appear as if played by an invisible hand? Join us on an exciting tour of our music collection! 
100 Years of Radio: guided educator tour
Guided Educator Tour

100 Years of Radio: guided educator tour

What technical circumstances and various interests have shaped radio in Austria? The exhibition 100 Years of Radio. As Austria went on air traces the development of a fascinating medium from its beginnings, its dark side as a propaganda tool, the “breakout” of radio from the confines of home and its path to becoming a popular companion in everyday life and leisure.

TMW ToGo-App

Your personal tour through Vienna Museum of Science and Technology accompanied by Augmented Reality (AR)!
Download now and receive 10% off the admission fee and the event tickets!
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