©Technical Museum Vienna
Digitalisation, Innovation

Artificial intelligence: Neural networks for beginners

What does artificial intelligence mean and what is a “neural network”? This workshop opens up the black box and explains how a neural network is created, trained and used. 
Kindergarten & School
9–13 Grade
Neural networks can solve challenging technical and scientific problems. For example, they are successfully used in image, language and pattern recognition as well as in translations.

In daily life, neural networks run in the background of smartphone apps, where they are used for features such as facial recognition and to unlock smartphones.
Our workshop opens up the black box of “neural networks” and shows what happens inside by explaining key terms such as “neurons”, “layer” and “activation” in a straightforward manner. Together we will train a simple neural network to recognise handwritten numbers. In the end, we will write numbers ourselves to test the neural network’s reliability.

Two accompanying adults can participate for free.
©Technical Museum Vienna
Currently there are no slots available.