© Technisches Museum Wien/Christine Tschavoll
People & Society

Ingenious women

Science and research have also always been the domain of women. In this guided tour, we shine a spotlight precisely on those women whose outstanding accomplishments were often forgotten by historians.
Teenagers & Adults
Guided Tour
Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace and Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky – these and many other women did ground-breaking pioneering work and contributed significantly to technological history with their work, knowledge and creativity.

For a long time, the accomplishments of women went unnoticed; they were often overshadowed by their famous brothers, fathers or husbands. We make the life and work of female scientists and engineers the focus of attention.
© Technisches Museum Wien/Christine Tschavoll


Please note that this guided tour is held in German. If you are interested in a tour held in English, please contact: wissensvermittlung@tmw.at