© Technisches Museum Wien/Christine Tschavoll
People & Society

The industrial revolution

Never before in history did the world change so profoundly and rapidly as during the industrial revolution. We explain how and why!
Kindergarten & School
5–13 Grade
Guided Tour
Let’s travel back to the time when one of the greatest inventions of mankind changed everyday life, work and economy forever: the steam engine.

This invention and other significant inventions heralded the era of the industrial revolution. On our tour of the museum, we will get to know those machines, people and circumstances that led to and accompanied this revolution. 

Two accompanying adults can participate for free.
© Technisches Museum Wien/Christine Tschavoll


Please note that this guided tour is held in German. If you are interested in a tour held in English, please contact: wissensvermittlung@tmw.at
Currently there are no slots available.