For several years now, the Technisches Museum Wien (Vienna Museum of Science and Technology) has been focusing on the colour pink as part of a research project. Lots of new objects have been added to the collection and the existing objects have been reviewed for their colour. Some results of this project will be presented online and as part of the permanent installation entitled “Who owns PINK?”.
For several years now, the Technisches Museum Wien (Vienna Museum of Science and Technology) has been focusing on the colour pink as part of a research project. Lots of new objects have been added to the collection and the existing objects have been reviewed for their colour. Some results of this project will be presented online and as part of the permanent installation entitled “Who owns PINK?”.
For several years now, the Technisches Museum Wien has been focusing on the colour pink as part of a research project. Numerous new objects have been added to the collection and the existing objects in the depots have been reviewed for their colour. Some results of this research project will be presented online and as part of the installation entitled “Who owns PINK?”. We encourage our visitors to take part in this project!
When thinking about the colour pink, attributes like childish, playful, artificial or soft often come to mind – qualities that are still commonly associated with femininity. However, numerous groups deliberately use this colour in their campaigns, for example in the fight against breast cancer, in connection with women’s or LGBTIQ* rights, etc. This is how the colour pink not only produces (and reproduces) gender stereotypes, but simultaneously represents a change in society. Such sharp contrasts did not exist in the past and are still not an issue in some cultures.
Since it is people who give colours their respective meanings and symbolism, the Technisches Museum Wien is also interested in the opinions, memories or associations of its visitors to collect and document the various facets of the colour pink. The museum is looking forward to receiving your stories, future visions, photos and objects surrounding the colour pink!