April 24, 2024
What memories remain three weeks after the rocket launch event in Schärding? Which details have already faded? A collective memory protocol was created, considering all senses. Listening to the audio recordings and interviews conducted by the Mission Control youth during the rocket launch provided a refresher. Despite the unfamiliarity of hearing their own voices on recordings, the work was deemed a success.

To keep Mission Control updated on the museum's activities, there was some time to visit the new permanent exhibition Climate. Knowledge. Action! and reflect on the connection between the environment/climate and space. In this context, new research questions were formulated and documented.


Technisches Museum Wien



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The youths documented the CanSat competition from their perspective using audio recordings.

: The interactive media station of the ESA was explored in the current exhibition Climate. Knowledge. Action!
The interactive media station of the ESA was explored in the current exhibition Climate. Knowledge. Action!
: We collected and recorded the memories of the CanSat competition.
We collected and recorded the memories of the CanSat competition.