June 12, 2024

On June 12, 2024, after the second project year, the SPACE DAY took place as a "stopover," where school classes and project partners presented their developed results within the framework of ROCKET SCIENCE (and beyond) in the  ballroom. The museum acted as a hinge and link between all these diverse space activities.

What does "male" or "female" mean in the context of outer space? How do we evaluate social tasks that are traditionally considered "women's work" with a view to a future in space? Two topics formed the content, based on the reality of young people's lives and their experiences:
  • Childhood & youth in space: toys, learning, growing & clothing, youth culture, school...
  • Care work in space: relationships, housework, comfort & care, supply and disposal (food, daily necessities) or environmental protection...
Guided by Ellie Armstrong and inspired by museum objects, the students formulated their questions about a future in space. Based on these questions, they will work on projects in the coming weeks that represent their individual answers and will eventually be displayed in the museum.

In April next year the students will further develop their projects in terms of content before their formal completion.


Technisches Museum Wien



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In the ballroom of the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology: Space Day – Stopover in June 2024
Space Day – Stopover in June 2024
A child speaks into a walkie-talkie.: Mission Control to Mars … can you hear me?
Mission Control to Mars … can you hear me?
: Playful approach to working conditions in space travel
Playful approach to working conditions in space travel

: Expedition Mars - the habitat on Mars is presented.
Expedition Mars - the habitat on Mars is presented.
: Donations from the TU Wien Space Team
Donations from the TU Wien Space Team
: At the opening of the exhibition "DAILY Life in SPACE."
At the opening of the exhibition "DAILY Life in SPACE."