November 8, 2023
Mission Control takes off again after the fall break. The first session served as a gathering and "warming up" phase to ensure good collaboration. The group defined its three core values for Mission Control through a multi-step process: Success - Creativity - Knowledge. We aim to continually revisit and focus on these values.

At the end of this meeting, the creativity of the members was called upon: Every space mission has its own logo, known as a mission patch. Mission Control at the TMW (Technisches Museum Wien) needs one too! After an introduction to the graphics program Inkscape, the young participants began their initial digital designs.
What name will their mission have? What graphics and symbols should be included?
Work in progress...


Technisches Museum Wien



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Which values are particularly important to me personally? - The participants drew them as symbols/pictograms in a "values gallery".
Which values are particularly important to me personally? - The participants drew them as symbols/pictograms in a "values gallery".
Other values discussed by Mission Control.
Other values discussed by Mission Control.
What does the space theme have to do with me? What mood am I in here as a member of Mission Control?
What does the space theme have to do with me? What mood am I in here as a member of Mission Control?

: From the many values collected, success, creativity and knowledge were defined as the most important values of Mission Control.
From the many values collected, success, creativity and knowledge were defined as the most important values of Mission Control.