Autumn and Winter 2024/25
Two primary school classes from the third grade visited the museum multiple times. Together with the educators and a space architect, they explored ideas about living and housing in space.
What needs would have to be considered? What might a suitable habitat look like, and what would it require? The children explored habitat models at the TMW, compared various earthly living spaces with their own daily lives, developed and sketched their visions, discussed them, and finally built models.

They presented their models to one another and debated what would be essential for them and their imagined lives in 'outer space.' Not only their classmates, but also our 'extraterrestrial' guest Cervupci, were curious to see which needs the children prioritized, what they documented in their research journals, and how they reached compromises as a construction team. The models were even covered with real satellite foil to ensure the multifunctional spaces of the habitats—sleeping, working and playing, bathing, etc.—were well protected. In the 'scream cabin,' the students reached up to 123 decibels—does their home on Mars need soundproofing?


Technisches Museum Wien



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Children's hands working on a creative project using recycled materials, including plastic containers, bottle caps, foil, and colored tape.: Enthusiastic building and creating for the 'MISSION AT HOME'.
Enthusiastic building and creating for the 'MISSION AT HOME'.
Various printed photo sheets are spread out on the floor, each featuring images of workshop activities and crafts, with small markers placed on them.: The students shared their feedback: What did they enjoy the most? What aspects of the workshop series would they have liked more of, and what less?
The students shared their feedback: What did they enjoy the most? What aspects of the workshop series would they have liked more of, and what less?
: Each child received a research booklet. Impressions, ideas, sketches for the habitat, ... many different impulses and concepts were noted!
Each child received a research booklet. Impressions, ideas, sketches for the habitat, ... many different impulses and concepts were noted!

A handmade model with various materials representing a futuristic habitat concept.: A habitat from VS Reichsapfelgasse.
A habitat from VS Reichsapfelgasse.
A habitat with a swimming pool from VS Reichsapfelgasse.
A habitat with a swimming pool from VS Reichsapfelgasse.